

有创业的想法吗? 你从哪里开始将这个想法转化为业务? Determining business formation is one of the first and most important steps to starting a business in Florida. It can make a difference in terms of taxes, 责任, profitability, growth, and more. 从一开始就把事情做好是至关重要的.

在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our business attorney will review your business idea with you and advise you on all your best legal options. 从那时起, 竞技宝体育竞猜的商业律师将指导您完成整个过程, 主动确保你有所有的表格, 文档, and other necessary information and strategies in place for a successful venture. 今天竞技宝体育竞猜的商务律师 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询.


成立企业时, one of the first and most important decisions to make is the structure you will use. A business structure is the legal classification of a business that determines taxes, 责任, 以及其他法定权利和责任. 


The best business structure for your business depends on a range of different factors. 


Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best structure for your business. 


A major deciding factor when structuring your business is often the degree of control you want to retain over your business. 在涉及多个所有者的情况下尤其如此.

独资企业允许完全控制. As the only owner and operator, a sole proprietor can run their business how they want to. 相比, corporations are answerable to shareholders who elect a board of directors to manage the organization's day-to-day business. 


Your business structure also determines the extent of your personal 责任 for the liabilities, 债务, 以及企业的义务. Some structures offer better protection against personal 责任. However, 责任 and control are usually directly proportional. The less your personal 责任, the less control you typically exercise over the business. 

在独资企业中, 例如, the owner is personally responsible for the business's liabilities and 债务. Their personal assets may be used to satisfy the business's 债务. They can also be sued in relation to the business's activities. 

相比, 有限合伙企业, partners have a separate legal identity from that of the business and their personal 责任 is limited to their investment in the business.

The structure of a business determines the applicable tax regime. 许多企业结构——独资企业, 合作伙伴关系, 有限责任公司, 和S公司-是传递实体. 这意味着企业不单独纳税. 而不是, the tax 责任 is passed to the owners who pay taxes on the business profits via their personal tax returns. 

其他形式的法团, 比如C公司, are treated as separate entities from their owners and taxed according to the relevant corporate rate. 


The degree of administration of a business typically becomes more onerous as the complexity of the business structure increases. 

个人独资s and 合作伙伴关系 typically have the least complex paperwork, while corporations have strict reporting obligations and complex paperwork to file when forming and running the business. 


A business lawyer can advise you on a range of issues when forming a business. 

1. 为您的企业选择正确的结构

Choosing the right structure is the key to building a strong foundation for your business and its future growth. A business lawyer can advise you on the pros and cons of each structure available to you, 与你的情况相关. 

This will help protect both your interests and your business's interests in the future.

2. 特定于行业的建议

A business lawyer can give you advice specific to the industry in which you operate, 以及你提供的产品或服务. This includes assisting you with understanding the applicable regulations and any necessary licenses or permits. 

3. 起草和谈判法律文件

Business formation typically involves the preparation of a range of documents, 例如商业登记文件, 知识产权注册, 及其他商业文件. A lawyer can assist you in accurately drafting these documents. 

重要的是, a business lawyer can draft legally binding contracts or negotiate the terms of a contract to benefit you and your business. These are essential to many aspects of running a business, 例如, partnership agreements. 

4. 了解你的税务义务

Failing to properly understand your tax obligations can result in significant tax 责任 down the track. 税务是一个复杂的领域,所以请一位商业律师, 还有一个合格的会计, 确保合规的最佳方法是什么. 

他们还可以就税收减免给你建议, 学分, and deductions are available based on your business' structure and circumstances. 

5. 就业法

If you hire employees, you must comply with a suite of employment laws and regulations. A business lawyer can help you navigate these and draft effective employment contracts that protect both you and your employees. 

Termination especially can be a legal minefield, so reliable legal advice on this is essential. 


If you are considering starting a new business in 迈阿密-Dade, 竞技宝体育竞猜的商业律师可以帮助您做出战略决策. 联系体育竞猜.今天安排一次免费电话咨询. 您可以填写竞技宝体育竞猜的在线表格或打电话给竞技宝体育竞猜 305-672-7495. We look forward to helping make your new business a successful one.


We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
